CT file via File->Load or by clicking on the folder icon
Download and install the Windows version of Cheat Engine from Github or from its website using Wine.Install protonhax (On Arch you should grab protonhax-git).Launch the game at least once via Steam to have your wine prefix set up.I expect you to already have Steam, Wine, Proton, and the game installed

RegisterSymbol("FRPGNETBase", addr, true)Īobscanmodule(findit12,DarkSoulsRemastered.exe,48 89 05 ? 48 89 5C 24 38 48 85 DB ? 48 8B 03) RegisterSymbol("ChrFollowCam", addr, true)Īobscanmodule(findit11,DarkSoulsRemastered.exe,48 8B 1D ? 48 8D 94 24 ? 4C 8B F1 0F 29 7C 24 40) RegisterSymbol("MenuManBase", addr, true)Īobscanmodule(findit6,DarkSoulsRemastered.exe,4C 8B 05 ? 48 63 C9 48 8D 04 C9 41 3B 54 C0 10)Īobscanmodule(findit7,DarkSoulsRemastered.exe,48 8B 05 ? 48 8B 80 F0 00 00 00 48 85 C0) RegisterSymbol("LockTGTBase", addr, true)Īobscanmodule(findit5,DarkSoulsRemastered.exe,48 8B 05 ? 89 88 28 08 00 00 85 C9)

RegisterSymbol("ChrClassWarp", addr, true)Īobscanmodule(findit3,DarkSoulsRemastered.exe,48 8B 05 ? 48 63 D1 48 8B 44 D0 08 C3)Īobscanmodule(findit4,DarkSoulsRemastered.exe,48 8B 0D ? 89 99 ? 4C 89 6D 58) RegisterSymbol("WorldChrBase", addr, true)Īobscanmodule(findit1,DarkSoulsRemastered.exe,48 8B 05 ? 48 85 C0 ? F3 0F 58 80 AC 00 00 00)